Written By Ken Hulsey
From the Monster Island News Archives - Originally Posted in 2000. Revised in 2008 & 2021.
Many years ago, I wrote an article for the original Monster Island News about the infamous deleted scenes from "Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope." At the time, the footage that had ended up on the cutting room floor was rarely seen, and mysteriously absent from both DVD and VHS releases of the original Star Wars trilogy. Similarly, content from "The Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the Jedi" had also been left out, including scenes like Biggs talking with Luke in Anchorhead, Wampas running amok in the Rebel Base on Hoth, and a Tatooine sandstorm in Jedi.
Regarding the "Tosche Station" footage from A New Hope, which was supposed to be placed between the opening space battle and the droids landing on Tatooine, it never made it into any release of the film. Lucas was never fond of the sequence, feeling it didn't fit the flow of the story. Though an urban legend persisted that some had seen an early version with this footage, Lucasfilm always denied anyone had. Puzzlingly, the scene was described in detail and accompanied by four photos in the 1978 "The Star Wars Storybook," suggesting the author had access to the footage.
Even more perplexing was the fact that cut Biggs footage in the hangar bay on Yavin 4 was later added to "The Star Wars Special Edition." This explained why Luke was so visibly upset when Biggs died, but raised the question of how Luke knew this character, given the limited prior mention. As a fan, I felt this was a "bone" thrown our way, though I'm not convinced the added footage fully integrated with the story.
Deek: Not again, forget it!
Windy: (angry at Biggs) Will you come back here and play the game?
Fixer: (Still waking up) What's all the noise about?
Camie: Looks like Wormie's caught too much sun.
Biggs: I tell you Luke, the Rebellion's a long way away from here. This planet? A big hunk of nothing.
Fixer: (not really caring about the space battle and not being able to take his eyes off Camie) I doubt the Empire would Evan fight to save the system.
They all head back into the station and Camie carelessly tosses Luke back his binoculars causing him to almost drop them.
Luke: Hey! Will you watch it?"
The scene ends with Luke alone outside looking at the sky as if he really saw anything.
Here are some of the scenes cut out of Star Wars:
Check Out:
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