Let's be honest, these articles about abandoned places here in Louisiana are kinda sad and depressing. That being said I think that these photos may be the most depressing of all. An old ma and pa gas station that shut down and no longer serves the community is sad and depressing. Pieces of old logging railroad rusting away in the woods, neglected for decades is inexcusable, sad and depressing. But a playground that children no longer us and is being neglected is something extremely sad.
I have to admit that these photos are actually a couple of years old. Back in 2021 my wife and I took our granddaughter to our local park here in Lecompte and were shocked at its condition. Though the grass had been mowed recently, the rest of the playground equipment was rusted and covered in mold and lichen. It was a pleasant Spring day and we were the only people in this park and it was very apparent that we were the first to have done so in a very long time.
This place is so forgotten that when I searched Google there wasn't a name for this park. Google doesn't even acknowledge that there is even a park here.
I can't explain why the residents of Lecompte no longer take their children to play here? It looks like it was a wonderful place back in the day. It makes me extremely sad to see a playground in a local park so empty on a day like this. Where are the children? Do they even know this park is here?
Those are questions that I can't even begin to answer. The fact is that this playground is here and children no longer play here and enjoy it.
Is there anything more depressing than that?
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I saw something similar today. The equipment was newer, but it was easy to tell that kids just never visited.