Deep in the heart of the Amazon, the Butler family was exploring an uncharted river canyon. Suddenly, caught up in a violent whirlpool, they were propelled through a cavern and flung into a hostile world of giant prehistoric creatures...a world that time forgot. Now, befriended by a family of cave dwellers, each day is an adventure in survival for the Butlers in...the Valley of the Dinosaurs!
Valley of the Dinosaurs was a 30-minute Saturday morning animated series that aired on CBS from September 7 to December 21, 1974, and later in syndication from 1977 to 1983. The show was produced by the Australian studios of Hanna-Barbera Productions.
The series followed the adventures of the Butler family - professor John, wife Kim, teenage daughter Katie, young son Greg (who went barefoot), and their dog Digger. While on a rafting trip along the Amazon River, the family's raft hit a rock and capsized, sweeping them through a cavern and into a mysterious realm where humans coexisted with prehistoric creatures.
In this strange land, the Butlers befriended a clan of Neanderthals led by Gorok, Gara, their teenage son Lok, and young daughter Tana. The Neanderthals had a pet baby Stegosaurus named Glump. Gorok and his family helped the Butlers try to find a way home, while the Butlers introduced the Neanderthals to basic technologies like levers, wheels, sailboats, and windmills.
While Hanna-Barbera likely hoped Valley of the Dinosaurs would be a hit given kids' love of dinosaurs, it was overshadowed by the similar but more successful live-action series Land of the Lost, which debuted on NBC that same year. Despite the ratings disappointment, many consider Valley of the Dinosaurs to be just as good as Hanna-Barbera's other animated offerings of the era.
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